
Other National Laws Related to Minority Rights

The following national laws, policies and rules could also affect members of the minority groups included in this learning resource:

Ethnic and indigenous minority groups:

  • Protection of Biodiversity and Protected Area Law (2018)
  • National Land Use Policy (2016)
  • Environmental Conservation Law (2012) and its Rules (2014)
  • Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Land Management Law (2012, amended 2018) and its Rules (2018)
  • Farmland Law (2012) and its Rules (2012)
  • Forest Policy (1995)
  • Protection of Wildlife and Conservation of Natural Areas Law (1994)
  • Forest Law (1992)
  • Land Acquisition Act (1894)
  • Upper Burma Land Revenue Regulations (1889)
  • Rules for the Grant of Waste Lands (1861)

Religious minority groups:

  • Law Related to the Sangha Organisation (1990)
  • Protection of Decisions in Vinaya Dharmakan Disputes Law (1983)
  • Vinaya Dharmakan Disputes Settlement Law (1980)
  • Muslim Dissolution of Marriage Act (1953)
  • Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act (1936)
  • Hindu Inheritance (Removal of Disabilities) Act (1928)
  • Mussalman Wakf Validating Act (1924)
  • Anand Marriage Act (1909)
  • Christian Marriage Act (1872)
  • Burma Divorce Act (1869)
  • Native Converts’ Marriage Dissolution Act (1866)
  • Hindu Widow’s Re-Marriage Act (1856)
  • Caste Disabilities Removal Act (1850)

For some or all minority groups:

  • Counter-Terrorism Law (2014)
  • Residents of Burma Registration Act (1949) and its Rules (1951)
  • Burma Official Secrets Act (1923)

Few laws in Myanmar specifically mention stateless persons and members of SOGIE minority groups. However, there may be laws that target members of these minority groups.




